The printer fails to complete a power cycle. The printer is about 6-months old and has previously been working.
Disconnect the power cable. Wait 20-minutes. Reconnect the power cable and press the power button.
The lights come on. The touch screen lights up (all white) and the printer makes noises.
The noises would seem to be printer head aligning.
Wait for 60-minutes and pretty much nothing else happens.
Read the nice manual. The only way to do a factory reset would seem to be via the menu.
When the device never actually gets to a point where it has a menu, how do you do that?
Previously, on a number of occasions where I was able to power the machine on, it would work for 60 minutes but then came up with an error "FW Download Error" or "FW Corrupt" That used to be a sign that I needed to turn it off, wait and turn it on again. At that time, the power button was not responding and I needed to disconnect the power cable.
Should I now throw the printer in the bin and buy something from Epson?